The Best Time to Move: A Comprehensive Guide

Discover the most expensive and cheapest times to move, as well as tips for making your move as smooth as possible. Find out the best time of year to move based on your priorities and needs.

The Best Time to Move: A Comprehensive Guide

Moving can be a stressful and expensive process, and choosing the right time to move can make a big difference in both cost and convenience. As an expert in the moving industry, I have seen firsthand how different factors can affect the cost and ease of a move. In this article, I will share my insights on the best and most expensive times to move, as well as tips for making your move as smooth as possible.

The Most Expensive Months to Move

If you're planning a move in the near future, it's important to be aware of the most expensive months to move. These are typically the summer months of June, July, and August.

During this time, there is a high demand for moving services, which drives up prices. Additionally, the heat during these months can make moving physically challenging and uncomfortable. However, if you do need to move during the summer, there are ways to minimize the cost and discomfort. For example, try to schedule your move for early in the day when temperatures are cooler. This will also give you more time to unpack and settle into your new home.

The Best Time of Year to Move

The best time of year to move ultimately depends on your priorities and needs.

If you're looking for the cheapest time to move to an apartment, then it's best to avoid peak moving season and opt for a move in the middle of the week, middle of the month, or during winter. On the other hand, if you're moving with a family and need to sell a home, summer may be a more convenient option. The warmer weather makes it easier to show and sell a home, and children are out of school so there is less disruption to their routine.

The Cheapest Time of Year to Move

If cost is your main concern, then the cheapest time of year to move is typically Labor Day through April. This is considered the off-season for moving, as most people tend to move during the summer months. As a result, demand for moving companies is lower during this time and many offer discounted rates. Winter is also a good time to move if you're looking to save money.

It is the least popular time for moving, so rates are likely to be lower. However, keep in mind that winter weather can be unpredictable and may cause delays or difficulties during your move.

Other Factors to Consider

In addition to the time of year, there are other factors that can affect the cost and convenience of your move. For example, the day of the week and time of day can also impact rates. Weekdays are generally cheaper than weekends, and early morning moves may be more affordable than afternoon or evening moves. It's also important to consider the climate of your location.

In cities with extreme weather conditions, such as San Antonio or Phoenix, it may be best to avoid moving during the hottest or coldest months.


In conclusion, there are several factors to consider when choosing the best time to move. If cost is your main concern, then winter is typically the cheapest time to move. However, if convenience and comfort are your top priorities, then summer may be a better option. Ultimately, it's important to weigh all factors and choose a time that works best for your specific needs and circumstances.

Madison Aymar
Madison Aymar

Unapologetic troublemaker. Passionate bacon junkie. Bacon nerd. General internet geek. Wannabe tv guru.