The Best Day to Move House: Tips from a Moving Expert

Discover the best day to move house and save money with these expert tips. Learn why weekdays are more cost-effective and how to plan ahead for a stress-free move.

The Best Day to Move House: Tips from a Moving Expert

As a professional in the moving industry, I have seen firsthand how stressful and expensive moving can be. That's why I always advise my clients to plan ahead and consider the best day to move in order to save money. While most people opt for a weekend move for convenience, the truth is that moving between Monday and Thursday can be much more cost-effective. One of the main reasons for this is that these days tend to have lower demand for moving services. This means that moving companies are often more willing to offer discounts or lower rates in order to secure business.

On the other hand, Saturdays are usually the most expensive days to hire commercial moving companies due to high demand. If you want to reduce your expenses and get the best deal possible, it's important to plan ahead and choose an advantageous day of the week to move. According to industry data, January is the cheapest month to move house, while winter is the cheapest time of year overall due to low demand for professional moving services. By scheduling your move between Monday and Thursday, you'll have a better chance of avoiding the increased demand from professional moving companies and thus getting a better price for your transfer. Of course, it's important to balance cost with convenience when it comes to choosing a moving day. While weekdays may be more cost-effective, weekends may be more convenient for those who work during the week.

Fridays are also a popular day for moving as people try to add the last business day to the weekend, making it a 3-day period of moving activities. Ultimately, the goal is to have a stress-free move while also saving money. By implementing these strategies and choosing the best day to move, you can achieve both. So next time you're planning a move, remember to consider the day of the week and plan ahead in order to get the best deal from commercial moving companies.

Madison Aymar
Madison Aymar

Unapologetic troublemaker. Passionate bacon junkie. Bacon nerd. General internet geek. Wannabe tv guru.