The Best Days to Move House and Save Money

Discover the best days of the week to move house and save money on professional moving services. Avoid busy weekends and opt for a weekday move instead.

The Best Days to Move House and Save Money

As an expert in the moving industry, I have seen firsthand how the day of the week can affect the cost of a move. Many people don't realize that the cheapest days to move are actually Monday through Thursday. This is because these days have lower demand for professional moving services, resulting in lower costs. It's no surprise that most people prefer to move on the weekends when they are not working. However, this also means that Fridays tend to be very busy for moving companies.

As a result, their prices are often higher on this day. If you want to save money on your move, it's best to avoid Fridays and opt for a weekday instead. Not only does the day of the week matter, but the season, month, and week can also impact your moving costs. By choosing to move on a weekday, you have a better chance of getting a better price for your move. This is because moving companies are typically less busy during these days. Many people choose to move on the weekends simply because they are not working.

However, if you want to avoid high prices, it's best to schedule your move between Monday and Thursday. These are the least popular days to move, which means there is less demand for moving services. As a result, it's easier to schedule your move and you'll likely save money in the process. Interestingly enough, Tuesdays are actually the least popular days to move. This means that it's even easier to schedule your move on this day and potentially save even more money.

While taking a day off from work may seem like an inconvenience, it can pay off in terms of savings when hiring a moving company. By choosing to move on a weekday, not only will you save money, but you'll also have the weekend to unpack and organize yourself. This can make the moving process much smoother and less stressful.

Madison Aymar
Madison Aymar

Unapologetic troublemaker. Passionate bacon junkie. Bacon nerd. General internet geek. Wannabe tv guru.